Prof. Dr. phil. Dominic Gansen-Ammann
(Dipl. Psychology)

Prof. Dr. phil. Dominic Gansen-Ammann (Dipl. Psychology)

© Fresenius/John M. John University

Field of study:

Psychology, Behavioural Psychology


Diplomstudium, Dipl.-Psych. – Psychologie
Promotion, Dr. phil. – Psychologie


  • Certified psychologist, alternative practitioner (psychotherapy) and systemic health coach
  • Professor of Psychology, in particular Clinical Psychology, at the Hochschule Fresenius
  • Psychotherapist (psychoanalytical based psychotherapy)
  • Advanced training in behavioral therapy, systemic therapy, hypnosis therapy, art therapy and psychodrama therapy
  • Scientific work and publications on the male physique and social success


  • Political skill camouflages Machiavellianism: Career role performance and organizational misbehavior at short and long tenure. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 118 (2020)
  • Political Skill and Manager Performance: Exponential and Asymptotic Relationships due to Differing Levels of Enterprising Job Demands. Group & Organization Management, 44, 718-744. (2019)
  • Strong corporate image. To Match-Up of physique and company product in personnel marketing. In K. Schütz, T. Weigl, C. Baum, N. Egold, T. Fenzl, D.-N. Gansen-Ammann, C. Krinner, P. Ludäscher, S. Schmidt, I. Zobel (eds.), Applied Scientific Perspectives in Psychology: Theses at the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences 2019 (pp. 55-69). Gießen: Psychosozial-Verlag.
  • Körperbau und Karriere – Experiment zur Zuschreibung karriereförderlicher Eigenschaften in Abhängigkeit vom Körperbau. Journal of Business and Media Psychology, 9, 25-29. (2018)
  • Date me if you can: A systematic overview of the current state of research on online dating. Journal for Sexual Research, 30, 7-34 (2017)
  • Company health promotion and company health management. Project, processes, potentials. In S. Schnödewind (eds.), Project Management and Development of Potentials in Hospital and Health Care (series “Health Care- und Krankenhausmanagement”) (pp. 34-51). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
  • Why men with muscles have better career opportunities. WDR 2 The Sunday Show, 07.10.2018.
  • He’s got the look: Do muscles make a career? Science in Cologne Houses, 18.05.2018, Cologne.
  • All publications

Contact us:

040 / 688 793 33

About Dominic:

Dominic has a degree in psychology and earned his doctorate in psychology at the Friedrich-Wilhelms-University in Bonn on the career success of executives. After his studies Dominic worked as a therapist, coach and started his career at the University of Applied Sciences in Fresenuis. In the following years he became dean of studies for the bachelor’s degree in psychology at the Hochschule Fresenius in Cologne and took up a professorship. He gave his inaugural lecture on “Work-out to work better – strength training, physique and career success for men”, on which he has continued to research and publish since then. As a trusted lecturer he advises students on personal problems and making behavioral changes. As a psychotherapist in training, he works at the Wersbach Clinic in Leichlingen mainly with patients with depression, anxiety and personality disorders as well as addiction disorders.

Recent articles by Dominic Gansen-Ammann