My Upfit success: 18 kg lighter and in much better shape!
Succeed with Upfit. Today, we would like to introduce Christine S. (50) and her success story. Meet Christine and get motivated by her success story, because you can do it too!
Thank you for agreeing to share your story with us. Can you give us some information about when you started to change your diet?
Of course. First of all, I measured my BMI with the Upfit BMI calculator. To begin with I weighed 99kg and have reached 81.1kg in the meantime! That’s really great, but I still want to get rid of the last 10 kilos. For the first 18kg I used your 12 week plan. I was allowed to eat everything I wanted and didn’t give anything up. I enforced this strictly!
Why did you want to lose weight?
I have actually always exercised, but this year I really let it slide. Instead of eating a healthy diet and doing exercise, I did the exact opposite. No sport, just food – and even that was far from healthy and balanced. I was never full and became too comfortable. I was very unsatisfied with myself and my life und being fat was the last thing I wanted.
That sounds unfulfilling. At what point did you decide that something needed to change?
Summer came, along with swimming season. It was so embarrassing… I barely had any clothes because none of them fitted me any more. Swimming is my passion. Last year I could swim 2000 meters in an hour, but this year it was much harder. But that motivated me! It just so happened that my daughter was not at home during the holiday, which meant that I could change my diet. I found Upfit through the internet. I tried it out at first for a few days, but then I started properly and have enjoyed it ever since.
What did you like about Upfit in particular?
The compiled daily plan. I go shopping and then follow the recipe. I don’t need to plan anything myself, I just cook what it says on the daily plan. A 12 week plan with weekly shopping lists – what more could I want? I also don’t have to weigh anything: an apple, 2 slices of bread, etc.
The plans are varied, but I don’t need to throw anything away because the ingredients are repeated. The plans use a manageable list of affordable ingredients and the dishes are quick and easy to make.
We are really happy that you liked our nutrition plan so much! What have you done to avoid the yo-yo effect after 12 weeks?
I am going to continue with Upfit because I want to lose another 10 kilos. As the recipes have tasted so good so far, I definitely want to carry on with them and also not stop exercising, because I now realise how much fun I have swimming!
What are your favourite recipes?
It was all so delicious I could list everything.
Beef Curry
Salmon Fillet with Pesto
Salmon Fillet with Honey
Couscous Patties
Fish Rolls
Chickpea and Leek Soup
Mince Dishes
What advice would you give to people who want to lose weight?
Find a plan and stick to it. It helps to structure your day! Buy food for the week and just cook without worrying about what you’re eating. No stress makes losing weight much easier!
I am very thankful that I found Upfit and will keep recommending it to others who also want to lose weight.
Christine S.
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