Jakub Hoffmann
(B.Sc. Nutritional Science)

Jakub Hoffmann (B.Sc. Ökotrophologie)

Field of study:

Nutrition and Health


Bachelor of Science in Nutritional Science at the University of Applied Sciences, Hamburg


B.Sc. Nutritional Science

Contact us:

Tel.: 040 / 688 793 33
E-Mail: redaktion@upfit.de

About Jakub Hoffmann:

Jakub completed his studies at HAW Hamburg in the ecotrophology programme. He chose nutrition and health as his two core areas. In addition to his core areas, he took the subjects “Communal Catering”, “Private Consumption” and “Food Marketing”. Furthermore, he participated in a project during his studies in which he dealt with the evaluation of nutritional care for athletes. Parallel to his studies, Jakub is a passionate strength athlete, which is why he also deals a lot with nutrition in strength sports. In addition to weight training, he regularly plays football for Bramfelder SV.

Jakub’s personal interests lie mainly in the areas of nutrition, health and sport. It is a matter of the heart for him to bring people closer to nutrition and, if necessary, to help them with existing dietary illnesses through nutrition. It is also important to him that people focus more on their health, as it is, in his opinion, the most expensive asset a person has.

At Upfit, Jakub is responsible for contributions on the topic of nutrition. He also works in customer service.