Leg press - building strength in the gym

Leg press - building strength in the gym

Leg press: targeted muscles

  • Quads
  • Back extensor
  • Hamstrings
  • Glutes
  • Adductors

Therefore the leg press is a great exercise for every leg and buttworkout.

The correct form for leg presses

Take a seat on the leg press. Place your feet hip-width apart in the middle of the pressure plate. The tips of your feet should point slightly outwards to relieve your knees. Now push yourself away from the pressure plate and slowly return to the start position. Your knees should be slightly pushed outwards and your spine should rest on the back pad. Your thighs should be brought as close to your torso as possible. Your pelvis shouldn’t move while doing this, otherwise you will put too much strain on your lower spine. In addition, you should never fully straighten your knees, but always keep them slightly bent, unless you have a lot of experience with squats and are able to assume the extended position in a controlled manner.

Weight recommendation for leg presses

Weights for Exercising

The leg muscles are one of the largest muscles in your body, so don`t be shy; you can press a lot of weight with those muscles

Equipment for leg presses

You’ll need a leg press machine, so this exercise can’t be performed at home.

Variations on leg presses

Repetitions and Exercises

Leg press with bands

Here the focus is on the downward movement. Attach the bands to the device so that the sled pulls down more than usual. The downward movement should be slow and controlled. The press movement should be explosive. This is how you trigger the maximum growth stimulus.

One legged leg press

Exercising on the leg press with one leg at a time has the advantage that you can develop a better technique with a lower weight and effectively compensate for any imbalance in strength between the legs. The exercise execution remains the same as with both legs as described above (except that you should use less weight).

VMO supersets

With this exercise, you target the teardrop leg muscle. Choose a narrow stance and place your feet lower. Keep increasing your weight until you can’t do 25 reps anymore.

Common leg press mistakes

Equipment and Exercising
  • Knee position: Make sure that your knees are neither turned in nor out. This puts too much strain on your joints.
  • Holding your breath: never hold your breath longer than it takes to press the weight once. This has a negative effect on your performance and can trigger circulatory problems.


  1. Knee position: Make sure that your knees are neither turned in nor out. This puts too much strain on your joints.
  2. Holding your breath: never hold your breath longer than it takes to press the weight once. This only has a negative effect on your performance and can trigger circulatory problems.
  1. Leg press with bands: here the focus is on the downward movement. Attach the bands to the device so that the sled pulls down more than usual. The downward movement should be slow and controlled. The press movement should be explosive. This is how you trigger the maximum growth stimulus.
  2. One legged leg press: exercising on the leg press with one leg at a time has the advantage that you can develop a better technique with a lower weight and effectively compensate for an inbalance in strength between the legs. The exercise execution remains the same as with both legs as described above (except that you should use less weight).
  3. VMO supersets: with this exercise, you target the teardrop muscle. Choose a narrow stance and place your feet lower. Keep increasing your weight until you can’t do 25 reps anymore.
  • Quads
  • Back extensor
  • Hamstrings
  • Glutes
  • Adductors

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