10 Tips - Dream figure for your dream wedding
Plan your week
Always make a plan for the week ahead, taking into account your work commitments, exercise, food, leisure time and sleep. Once you have created such a plan, it is much easier to maintain a structure and let yourself be guided by it.
The right exercise
To look good and be fit you need to exercise. Make your training as effective as possible. Squats are the best exercise when it comes to getting quick results. They create firm and strong legs and a firm buttocks. Apart from that, they help reduce body fat, as they are one of the best fitness exercises when it comes to burning many calories. For a straight, confident posture, exercises for the back are also useful. They will not only help you to create a good figure, but also to get a confident posture.
The correct nutrition
A strict exercise regime is useless if you are lacking the right nutrition. Try to eat “Lean, Clean and Green”. Make sure that your food is low-fat, unprocessed, contains no additives or added sugar, and is largely made up of vegetables. Nutrition is also part of the plan. To be on the safe side, you should calculate your calories and determine your BMI beforehand. The free Upfit calorie calculator will help you do this. You can then look at other tools you can use to track your meals. If this sounds like too much hassle, you can also use a well-structured plan like the Upfit weight loss plan.
Abstain from sweets, alcohol, gluten and dairy products
Sweets are fattening and very bad for the skin due to a lot of fat and sugar. It is very similar with alcohol, which is responsible for the storage of organ fat. With gluten and milk products it is a different situation. There are many indications that people who avoid milk and gluten for a longer period of time feel much better and can perform better. It therefore makes sense to avoid the above-mentioned foods shortly before a wedding. More on the influence of alcohol on weight loss.
Drink plenty of water
An adequate water intake is vital for keeping both our mental and physical facilties working. The liver and kidneys must be flushed out regularly. The more often this is done, the better the pollutants can be flushed out of the body.
Sleep at least five units a day
One day has 24 hours, one unit of sleep is 90 minutes. Ideally you should sleep for seven and a half hours. If you occasionally miss one or two units a night, then you can make them up the following day. If you are tired during the day, you will have to expend all the more energy to stick to your plan. In addition, when we lack sleep, we are even more likely to feel the urge for sweets. So make sure you get enough sleep every day.
Make time to detach yourself from the hustle and bustle
You can get a massage, visit a spa, go to a yoga class or meditate. The important thing is that you incorporate this activity into your plan
The secret tip: the morning power drink
For the power drink for an ideal start to the morning you need a large glass of water, some lime (either freshly squeezed or as direct juice), a quarter teaspoon of Himalayan salt, some turmeric, cayenne pepper and ginger. The lime stimulates the basic substances, the salt supplies the adrenal gland. Turmeric helps against free radicals and promotes the metabolism, similar to ginger, which gives our body warmth and thus the necessary boost during the day.
The all-purpose beauty weapon - coconut oil
Coconut oil has many uses. It can be used as a hair conditioner, to prevent split ends and get rid of dandruff. You can also use the oil as a face cream, body lotion, lip balm or simply add it to your bath. Coconut oil softens and illuminates skin, thus it is an all-purpose weapon for the perfect wedding look.
Create yourself a wedding team
The best way to stop the planning from becoming too stressful is to form a team. This way you don’t have to feel alone with the organizational processes. But look for people who are also interested in exercise and healthy eating.
When planning your wedding, remember that you should have fun and above all be happy. Follow these tips and you will look and feel great! Your big day will be captured in endless photos, which will always remind you of your success! If that is not motivation…