You can change your goal, be it Weight Loss, Definition, Muscle Building, or Clean Eating, at any time by clicking on the “Customize” button in your login area.
It is important that you follow certain protocol when changing your goal in order to get the most out of your Plan.
For example, if your first goal is to lose weight, you should keep this as your Plan goal at least 3 months or until you reach your desired weight. Afterwards, you can safely change your goal to Build Muscle or maintain your weight with a Clean Eating Plan. If your goal is first to build muscle, you can, after reaching your desired weight or after a minimum of 3 months, change to the Definition Plan to refine your built-up muscles and make them even more visible. It is then possible to switch back to muscle growth again to gain even more muscle mass. These phases must always take place in succession, since it is not possible to build muscle (calorie surplus) and get definition (calorie deficit) at the same time.