It definitely does not make sense to have a calorie deficit of more than 500 kcal daily. Healthy weight loss has nothing to do with starvation. Unfortunately, many other weight loss programs convey the wrong message.
A permanent drop below your basal metabolic rate leads to various problems. Here are just a few examples:
- Damage to organs
- Cravings
- Sharply decreased motivation
- Bad sleep
- Moodiness
In turn, these symptoms can negatively affect your behavior and stamina in a diet. After putting your body through a hunger phase, you will most likely gain weight again – this is known as the yo-yo effect. For these reasons, you should not deliberately consume fewer calories than indicated in the Plan. Your nutrition Plan should support you in implementing a healthy and permanent diet change. This is how Upfit nutritional Plans differ from most “crash diets”.
We cannot and will not adapt your Plan to an unhealthily low calorie intake. Upfit wants to help you get away from dangerous and pointless crash diets and instead achieve a lasting, healthy behavioral change. The Plans have therefore been developed by nutrition experts and reflect your optimal calorie and nutritional intake. Give your body at least a month to adapt to the change.