We have a suitable Workout Plan in practical PDF format for each goal. Whether you want to lose weight, define, or build muscle, we offer you a complete Plan. Our Workout Plans fit any training level, whether you’re a beginner or expert.
- Differences between the Workout Plans
The difference between the Plans depends on your goal. The structure of our Workout Plans varies, depending on the goals. While the Weight Loss Training sessions can be done at home with your own body, the Muscle-Building Training sessions take place in the gym with additional weights.
- How exactly do the different Workout Plans work?
Workout Plans are included for free with the 12-month and the 24-month Meal Plan, plus the Workout Plans they include are better optimized for you. The Workout Plans are based on your goals. This means that your Nutrition Plans for Definition and Muscle Building will provide you with additional weight training in the gym. On the other hand, the Nutrition Plans for Weight Loss and Clean Eating include a Workout Plan using your own body and can be done at home. Our Workout Plans are suitable for beginners and advanced athletes.