If on some days your mealtime becomes too tense, you can easily use the Swap Meals feature to choose an easier or otherwise more appropriate Meal from the alternative suggestions or from your stored favorites (so long as the alternative or favorite is similar in nutritional and caloric content). Furthermore, you can safely exchange 2 meals a day, e.g. lunch for dinner. In exceptional cases, a single day of the week can be exchanged with another (e.g. Cheat Day); However, this should not become the rule. Avoiding switching one day from a week to another from another week, as nutrient composition changes progressively over time. If you are unable to prepare a Meal because you are invited to dinner, for example, you can skip the Meal altogether. Keep in mind, however, that divergence from your diet may affect your progress. If you do swap Meals or skip them, your Shopping List will also be updated, taking into account the changes in the required quantities of food.
Reading time: 1 min
Times read: 98