For the achievement of your personal goal, the distribution of macronutrients is actually much more important than the calorie count. The distribution of carbs, proteins, and fats ultimately decides how fast you burn energy, and how that energy is stored and processed in your body.
For example, if you compare the calorie count of a donut (about 403 kcal) with the calories of our avocado salad with tomato (about 437 kcal), you will realize that our healthy meal has slightly more calories, however the value of the nutrients it contains but fundamentally. While the donut has a high proportion of short-chain carbohydrates, the avocado salad contains many healthy fats and low amounts of carbohydrates. Although losing weight is caused by a calorie deficit and weight gain is caused by an increase in calories, you should not be confused in thinking it is simply a matter of calories. Consider all calorie information as a rough guideline for your optimal, absolute energy intake and do not be put off by numbers, because it gives no information about the distribution of macronutrients, or the value of a recipe or food.
Reading time: 1 min
Times read: 79